Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Escape excess consumerism

Be inspired to escape excess consumerism!
In this one-on-one discussion, Kelly and Lauren talk about how to avoid overconsuming material goods and digital noise.
You will be encouraged to think about how you consume, including how to set better boundaries around your consumption habits – whether it be how you consume material goods or the news and social media.
While we all need to consume things, overconsumption harms the environment and also affects our psychological wellbeing; leading to unhappiness, debt, wasted time and other consequences.
You will learn how we have the power to be better consumers by simply buying less and adopting intentional lifestyle habits.
Be motivated to consume less and have more!
Find Partner Discounts & Lauren’s Closet Course & Outfit E-Guide at!
Follow Millennial Minimalists on Instagram & Facebook
Overconsumption and the environment
Consumption is NOT the problem
How to be Happier by Consuming Less
Social media is linked to the boom in cosmetic procedures
Reasons to escape excess consumerism and how to do it
Living Green: tips to help lower consumption
Book: The High Price of Materialism
